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After 9 Interviews Johnathan Baldwin Central Ministries

After 9 Interviews Johnathan Baldwin Central Ministries

In this episode of After 9, Zac interviews blogger, minister, and reluctant doctor Johnathan Baldwin. Leading up from the midwest in Fort Wayne, Indiana Johnathan is a prime example of God's call for youth ministry being inescapable and wonderfully consuming. Hear the honesty, the struggle, and joy that Johnathan sustains for student ministry and as a youth pastor.

How Do I Recover From My Ministry Hangover? Or Where Did All My Motivation Go? #Easter Edition

How Do I Recover From My Ministry Hangover? Or Where Did All My Motivation Go? #Easter Edition

In episode 76 of After 9, the guys are tired. Are you worn out from a busy Easter season? Are you feeling motivationless? Has the glow of post-Holy week worn off? Feel like you just can't even? Here are some helps to help you bounce back and recover your motivation.