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Youth Ministry Booster Launch Day

For the last year of my life I have been working with one of my best friends and fellow youth minister Chad Higgins to put out amazing weekly content through our podcast After 9. Somewhere along the way we decided that we didn’t just want to host honest youth ministry conversations but offer the quality creative  resources and community support so many of our listeners requested.  

Today we launched Youth Ministry Booster.
A cohesive creative resource site for Youth Ministers in any size church. Wait, how does that work? 

First, let me tell you about the name. So Chad and I are big nerds. We are the kind of guys that like to hang out in places filled comic books, trading cards, arguments about super heroes, and empty cans of Red Bull. One piece of our nerdery is our shared love for Collectible Card Games (CCGs). The gist is this; players buy booster packs of cards and hope to open the most collectible, most powerful ones in order to build their decks for battle. Some people lovingly call this “cracking packs.” We wanted to bring this fun and excitement to Youth Ministry.

YMB creates Booster Packs for Youth Ministries.

Every month we create a new series chocked full of resources to enhance large group gatherings. Videos, Images, Flyer Templates, Teaching Resources, Audio Goodies, Four Unique Games, and a Supportive Community come with every pack. Even cooler is the price won’t break the bank. For only $25 you can have it all and spend time building your sermon like Chad and I have spent hours building our CCGs decks. Sometimes all it takes is having the right Booster Pack resources to build the great thing you always wanted to make. 

Whether you have a Youth Ministry of 12 or 200 we believe that quality creative resources should be available to you. 

However, I hope that more than the hours of dreaming, scheming, coding, kicking, and screaming that this is a place for Youth Ministers to find the support and assistance they have always wanted. 

There is a lot of pressure for Youth Ministers to keep up with slick production trends and stay pastoral. We believe that Youth Ministry Booster is the ticket to get them both done. 

We hope that the direction of YMB and growing collection of resources encourages Youth Ministers to do the things they cannot outsource. More than a graphic designer or social media guru, I hope Youth Ministers can now get back to being a caretaker, encourager, and pastor to young people. 

If you know a Youth Minister, love a Youth Minister, or are a Youth Minister than YMB is for you. We hope that it is all the things you wanted, so you can finally be the minister you always wanted to be.  
