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YMB Podcast Network Annoucement

If you were to ask an average church-goer a to describe a normal youth pastor, you would probably get a thousand different answers.  Many people believe we are messy, unorganized or maybe on the path to becoming a "real pastor".  

At Youth Ministry Booster, we desire to change this view.   Along with creating great resources to help boost youth ministries we want to be a voice of health and hard work in our calling. So, Youth Ministry Booster is creating a network of like-minded podcasts to help youth pastors and their people.

Basically, we love podcasts! We love Youth Ministry! We love helping youth ministers get healthy, more honest, and stay hardworking. 

We'd like to introduce you to our newest podcast partner “When Are You Gonna Be A Real Pastor?”, hosted by Zach Hummer and Ryan Baker.

We can't say enough great things about these two guys. Not only do we love their weekly podcast, but we love them as fellow youth pastors. Their honest humor and keen insight are invaluable.  We also believe that they share in the  vision of helping youth pastors grow in their calling and seeing the Kingdom impacted because of it. 

“When Are You Gonna Be A Real Pastor?” is the official podcast of Alliance Youth, the Christian Missional Alliance youth ministry department. These guys live and serve out of the New England area and bring with them humility and wisdom that we all need. Click on the links below and subscribe to this amazing podcast. If you are anything like us, you’ll binge listen to their older episodes.  Trust us, it’s worth it! 

We look forward to working with Zach and Ryan and so many other people in days to come.  We pray that God will use us to help shape youth ministry away from the illusion of pizza parties and winging it, towards a place of health and hard work.  Keep listening! Keep serving! There are more exciting announcements to come! 

Grace and Peace,

Zac & Chad