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Our Team Is Your Biggest Fan

All of our members are assigned to a mastermind to receive the quality coaching and excellent community it takes to grow as a ministry leader. Meet of some of our all-star staff. Seriously, these people rock and love youth ministers! 


Chad Higgins

Higgins is a 15 year youth ministry veteran that has literally served in every size church. From church plants to mega-growth congregations Chad has worked in them all.

Youth Ministry Favorite: Helping youth ministers find a breakthrough and equipping volunteers for greatness

Areas of Excellence: Teaching, Leader training, and systems building. If you are looking to strengthen or grow a ministry Chad has the skills and encouragement to help you do so. 


Zac Workun

"Workun" has spent 16 years of his life thinking about and leading in youth ministries of various sizes in multiple denominations.

Youth Ministry Favorite: When students notice (and remember) the little (planned) details of a camp or retreat experience 9 years later. It's all about the little things that make big differences! 

Areas of Excellence: Leadership. Creativity, Events, Technology 

Mastermind Host Team

This group of amazing leaders help facilitate over 44+ masterminds. Collectively they serve all across the country in churches of every possible size. The enrich the discussion, care for our members, and catalyze growth every month, all while serving their local church faithfully.