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Teaching Students Social Media Responsibly In Youth Ministry

In this special After 9 interview of Kevin DeShazo we learn about what it means to take a passion and turn it into a profession. Though not a youth minister in the traditional sense, Kevin DeShazo of Fieldhouse Media has worked with thousands of students and parents about responsible social media use.

What Is The Most Important Youth Ministry Thing You Do Every Week?

What Is The Most Important Youth Ministry Thing You Do Every Week?

In episode 101 Zac Chad and Kristen share their most important weekly task. Every week comes and goes in student ministry but as youth pastors and youth leaders we need to identify what the most important things are to get done. Prioritize your work self with these three helpful insights. 

The Most Important Thing You Can Do For You and Your Youth Ministry This Week

The Most Important Thing You Can Do For You and Your Youth Ministry This Week

In episode 93 of After 9 Zac and Chad talk about how Zac found success in pulling off the biggest change in the history of his youth ministry (Hint: it wasn't more budget dollars or a better communicator). A youth minister mastermind group can help you identify the challenge, clarify the work, and evaluate the process. Whether you are plowing ahead or working to make big changes in your student ministry this episode is for you

What's In It For Me?

What's In It For Me?

In episode 88 Zac and Chad open up to the question of purpose that every youth worker and student pastor faces from time to time. In the busiest seasons of church ministry, we can feel like we give and give, and yet so what? Listen in for wisdom related to the rediscovering the true nature of the work, the wonder, and the call to minister.